Join one of our Parish Groups
There are many different ways to get involved in our Parish. You can join a team, come along to one of our events or join one of our Parish Groups.
Our Parish Groups
There are lots of different groups in our Parish with different purposes. Some are social, others are focussed on growing in faith.
Young Adults, Adoration & Social
Come along and join us every fourth Friday 7pm in the Church, with a social afterwards. Everyone is welcome.
Exploring Catholicism
Interested in understanding the Catholic faith, want to be baptised or receive Confirmation as an adult? We have an RCIA group that meets to journey in faith.
Catholic Women's League
An opportunity for women of all ages to be a part of a group united in faith, friendship and love. Members get to use, share and develop their talents with others in a warm and supportive environment. Meeting on the first Monday of every month in the Vincent Pallotti Room of the Parish Centre.
Coming soon. If you would like to be notified about upcoming Youth Group events, please click below.
Cenacle prayer groups
Meets every fourth Thursday of the month in the Parish Centre at 7pm. The group meets to intercede for the needs of the Parish.
The Legion
of Mary Group
The Legion of Mary meets on Tuesdays at 5:30pm in the room behind the sacristy.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
The SVP is a Christian voluntary organisation providing direct practical assistance to anyone in need. To find out more click here.
Teams of Our Lady
A lay movement designed to enrich marriage spirituality and make good marriages better. Improving prayer life, helping couples grow closer to God and each other. For more info email the team here. [email protected]
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Prayer Group
Meet in the Church Crying Chapel on Wednesdays at 7:00pm
Not sure where to start?
Get in touch and we can help you find something to get you involved.